Find the Class that works for you
Each yoga tradition is unique. A firm foundation will help you appreciate the grace of BKS Iyengar’s yoga. This is why we encourage Iyengar yoga newcomers to our Level 1 class. Contact us for more information.
Below is a range of classes offered by Pathway Yoga.
- please note that not all classes are offered during every session. Please watch for details!
- please note that not all classes are offered during every session. Please watch for details!
Introductory Class Pass (formally Iyengar Yoga Basics)
The perfect introduction to Pathway Yoga! Take four Foundation, Gentle or Level 1 classes for just $50. This package is for new students, and you can start any time.
Level 1 and Over 50 Level 1
Begin to explore the integrity and vibrancy of Iyengar yoga. Develop mobility, stability and strength through expanding your knowledge of the foundational asanas, or yoga postures, with emphasis on the standing poses. The pace of the 50+ class is slower, and more supports are given, as needed.
Level 1/2
Continue to build on the mobility, stability and strength you developed in Level 1 classes. More emphasis on standing poses as a foundation for forward extensions and back bends, as well as the actions to help you develop inversions.
Level 2
Learn headstand and basic back bends, and continue to build on the foundation. If poses are not recommended for you for health reasons, you will learn how to adapt them safely. Confidence and concentration expand.
Level 3
Work toward holding headstand, shoulder stand and basic variations for 5 minutes. Develop a regular home practice, in preparation for classes that touch on all families of asanas: standing poses, forward extensions, back bends, twists, inversions and arm balances.
Level 4
Seasoned Iyengar yoga students, familiar with the full spectrum of practice, refine your knowledge of Iyengar yoga and advance your sadhana. You are expected to have established a dedicated home practice.
All Levels
Whether it's your first class or you've been practicing for years, the teacher will make sure all students are safe and challenged at their level of practice in an all-levels class. With variations given for those less and more experienced, everyone can practice together.
A slower-paced class where the teacher takes extra care in adapting postures to individual needs. This is an excellent choice if you’re cautious about yoga because of health concerns. You are welcome to contact us before registering if you have any questions.
Recharge and renew by practicing restorative asanas.
The use of props can deepen the effect of asanas by enabling us to hold them for a longer duration.
The use of props can deepen the effect of asanas by enabling us to hold them for a longer duration.
BKS Iyengar describes prāṇā as all vibrating energies within and beyond us. Āyāma means expansion, lengthening and/or restraint. When we practice prāṇāyāma, we shift and shape the way energy flows within us, through modulating the breath. To join this class, participants should have at least two years of Iyengar yoga class experience.